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Step Up Account Security with Phishing-Resistant MFA

Step Up Account Security with Phishing-Resistant MFA

Phishing is a major cybersecurity threat, and one of the most effective ways to protect against it is through the use of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). However, not all MFA methods are created equal. To truly protect against phishing attacks, you need to step up your account security with phishing-resistant MFA. Phishing-resistant MFA is resistant to…

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6 Ways The Metaverse Could Change How You Do Business

6 Ways The Metaverse Could Change How You Do Business

In recent times, connections between the physical, financial, and virtual worlds have become more linked. Web3, a plan for a decentralized internet, has driven recent interest in metaverse development. The word “metaverse” is a combination of two words; “meta” (means more comprehensive) and “verse.” Now, the idea of the metaverse for business is fast becoming…

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Is It Worth Waiting for Something Bad to Happen

Is It Worth Waiting for Something Bad to Happen?

“It won’t happen to me.” “My company isn’t a target.”  “I don’t want to spend money on cybersecurity when we may not even suffer a cyber-attack.” These are some of the common reasons why SMB business owners choose not to invest in cybersecurity protection. While it is tempting to bury one’s head in the sand…

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