5 Tips for Protecting Your Devices from Zero-Click Malware

Malware has been a nuisance to the cybersecurity industry and other businesses worldwide, and to fan the flames, cybercriminals create new malware variants consistently. According to Statista, about 677.66 million malware variants were detected in March 2020. They were also projected to hit over 700 million by the end of that year. Now, there’s a new variation – zero-click malware.
Over the years, zero-click malware has gotten into the limelight with its disastrous after-effect. As its name implies (zero-click), its infiltration mode doesn’t require a third-party, typically the device owner. Instead, it manages to cause havoc without external assistance, and even the best device users can become its victim.
A zero-click attack is a cyber assault that employs intricate techniques and typically aims at specific targets. Such attacks can result in severe repercussions, as they penetrate devices without the victim’s knowledge. This article will discuss a detailed explanation of zero-click attacks and five practical ways to prevent them.
Zero-Click Attacks – Brief Overview
As the name suggests, a zero-click cyberattack is a malicious attack that requires no action from the device owner. Unlike other types of attacks, such as smishing or phishing, which depend on social engineering tactics to deceive people into clicking malicious links or downloading dangerous files, zero-click attacks exploit flaws in the operating system to bypass this requirement completely.
The insidious nature of zero-click attacks lies in their crafty approach, as they can infiltrate a device without user interaction. Victims may not even know that an attack is taking place, allowing attackers to explore the device easily. Such attacks pose a significant threat to personal information security and should be taken seriously.
How Zero-Click Attack Works
Many software systems employ data verification processes as a preventive measure against cyber breaches. However, a zero-click attack exploits a device’s software vulnerabilities and also exploits a data verification loophole to infiltrate the system.
Zero-click attacks often target voice calling or messaging apps since these services are built to receive and encode data from unverified sources. Attackers use specially manufactured data, like a concealed image file or text message, to introduce the code that hacks the device.
How You Can Protect Your Devices from Zero-Click Malware
Find below five practical ways to protect your devices from zero-click attacks:
- Monitor reported system vulnerabilities
In the quest for efficient cybersecurity, not only malicious actors are seeking out vulnerabilities in software. Software businesses and vendors are also engaged in the race to identify weak spots, often enlisting the expertise of IT experts to check their systems.
Upon detecting a potential vulnerability through a rigorous vulnerability scan, businesses usually disclose their findings online and promptly release a patch to address the issue. Furthermore, various digital databases list known vulnerabilities alongside their respective patches.
Through careful monitoring of these online resources and thorough inspection of the software and hardware used by your business, it is possible to identify previously unidentified vulnerabilities. Adopting such proactive measures can protect your business from malware like zero-click.
- Employ patch management
Organizations must create a comprehensive patch management process and policy that all employees understand and align with the security, IT operations, and development teams.
Particularly in larger companies, using automation to manage patches is essential. By implementing patch management solutions, patches can be automatically sourced from software vendors, systems that need updates can be detected, and changes introduced by the patch can be tested before being deployed to production. That ensures that delays in deployment are avoided.
While patch management cannot entirely prevent zero-clicks attacks, it can significantly reduce system exposure. In severe exposure, software vendors might issue a patch within a few hours or days. Automated patch management can facilitate fast patch deployment, effectively reducing the time frame for attackers to exploit your system’s vulnerability.
- Install NGAV (Next-Gen Antivirus Solutions)
Next-Gen Antivirus Solutions are designed to provide businesses enhanced protection against modern cyber threats like zero-click malware. Traditional antivirus solutions rely on signature-based detection to identify and block known threats. Still, Next-Gen Antivirus Solutions use advanced techniques such as behavioral analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to detect and stop known and unknown threats.
Using Next-Gen Antivirus Solutions can help businesses to stay ahead of constantly evolving cyber threats and protect their sensitive data and systems from malicious attacks.
- Keep your software and computer updated
Apple and Microsoft consistently release system updates for their respective operating systems, and installing these updates on your Mac or Windows computers is highly recommended. These updates typically incorporate important fixes that can boost your system’s security. Certain operating systems even offer the convenience of automatic updates, enabling you to receive updates as soon as the latest update is available.
Windows users can install updates via the “Windows Update” feature, while Mac users can access the “Software Update” feature. If you’re unacquainted with the features, it’s advisable to seek external help from a reputable IT solution company.
- Uninstall outdated software
Inform your IT team always to uninstall outdated software as it can pose a severe security risk to your business because cybercriminals can easily exploit it. However, buying a new one with the same or similar functions is best if you use the software occasionally.
Protect Your Devices from Malware Attacks with GEEK911
Having an external and professional IT team is imperative to your business. Why? You’ll have enough time to focus on other business issues while your external team works behind the scene to protect your IT systems from security issues.
That is where GEEK911 comes in. Our experienced team can provide practical solutions to your IT issues because. Contact us today to learn more.